Typical Overcharges


  • Services and features you don’t need
  • Phone lines no longer needed
  • Unawareness of new/better offers from existing and competing vendors
  • Paying more than market rate
  • Wireless plans that are not optimized
  • Misapplication of tariff
  • Incorrect application of fees and surcharges


  • Paying above market rate
  • Not using a vendor that best fits your needs
  • Contracts that allow the hauler to raise fees at will
  • Non-optimized waste stream
  • Improper containers
  • Multiple, confusing, and escalating fees


  •  Incorrect tariff application
  • Operating under the wrong tariff
  • Paying incorrect fees based on state and industry rules/regulations
  • Overpaying for energy supply

Commercial Laundry

  • Non-contracted compliance extra fees
  • Unit price volatility
  • Minimum fees and percentages
  • Loss/damage
  • Item insurance
  • Item replacements
  • Items billed but not ordered/approved


    Our No-Cost, Unbiased Analysis Can Save You Money, Without Changing Vendors

    There is no fee for our cost reduction analysis. We receive compensation from the savings we generate and refunds we recover for you. Our work is conducted offsite in a well-organized and efficient manner. We do not interfere with your daily operations. Let us help you:

      • Recover overcharges
      • Increase cash flow
      • Reduce monthly expenses for years

    You have nothing to lose.

    Worse-case scenario: Gain peace of mind knowing you’re paying the absolute least amount possible for utilities, telecom, waste disposal, commercial laundry, and other operating expenses!

    Best-case scenario: We find cost savings and increase your cash flow so you can pay your current employees more, hire employees, fund new projects, automate, grow your organization, etc.!