Typical Overcharges


  • Services and features you don’t need
  • Phone lines no longer needed
  • Unawareness of new/better offers from existing and competing vendors
  • Paying more than market rate
  • Wireless plans that are not optimized
  • Misapplication of tariff
  • Incorrect application of fees and surcharges


  • Paying above market rate
  • Not using a vendor that best fits your needs
  • Contracts that allow the hauler to raise fees at will
  • Non-optimized waste stream
  • Improper containers
  • Multiple, confusing, and escalating fees


  •  Incorrect tariff application
  • Operating under the wrong tariff
  • Paying incorrect fees based on state and industry rules/regulations
  • Overpaying for energy supply

Commercial Laundry

  • Non-contracted compliance extra fees
  • Unit price volatility
  • Minimum fees and percentages
  • Loss/damage
  • Item insurance
  • Item replacements
  • Items billed but not ordered/approved